So early this morning he Skype me wishing New Year etc. I was, of course, already dozed off, but my Skype on and invisible. And he went like, excited since that message he sent wasn't pending - meaning that my Skype was on.
Then later this morning we had a brief crazy stupid chat. It was short, and slow, since he was on DotA. As far as I can recall, that was the first time he ever Skype with me while DotA-ing. He could hardly pick up my calls or reply my text message okay! Azam 2011 kot?
Then something happened.
JAJA? OMG I thought that was like, really funny! My bro said it's normal to do such typo, that it isn't funny. Somehow to me, GAGA is still forgivable (probably because I did that too). But JAJA sounds ridiculously funny! As we were talking about some girls before, I thought it could be his future girlfriend's name - JAJA. I laughed like mad and kept on teasing him, til he just went silent and focus on his DotA.
Somehow JAJA really made my day - my very first day of 2011 :D