
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Add me on Facebook. NOT.

Facts about me and Facebook at the moment.
  1. Since I started reactivating my account, I've 'Unfriend'-ed more than 20 people from my list and approved less than 10 friendship requests.
  2. I appreciate privacy. I don't simply reveal my Facebook name to just anyone.
  3. Assuming the same goes to my friends, that's why you can see the GardenBeforeHoes and Izleen without her last name there.
  4. Mr. GardenBeforeHoes if you feel you need some publicity, kindly let me know and I'll be more than happy to reveal your real Facebook name here.
  5. I'm in mutual love with Izleen. Yes, we mutually know it's MUTUAL. Not an iPod Touch can beat that.
  6. Yes, this is my real Facebook account after some screenshot editing.
  7. I've been vandalizing my friends' Walls with the Perak trip concerns. I WANT IT TO HAPPEN.
  8. With me back on Facebook, means I'm back as a stalker.
  9. I like stalking my friends' photos (esp the vacations) the most. And often found myself in awe.
  10. I've been wanting to add someone on Facebook, but still don't have the courage to. Chicken.


ffh said...

heyyy bella! cant wait to meet you here!

i know how annoying it is when strangers add you on facebook.agreed.

norulqalbi said...

hahah. i like ur post babe!
am still in ur friendlist? ^0^

.nuratiq.moyaz. said...

miss u a lot bella.