
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Last chapter. Welcome home.

So if I'm honest the last chapter of my winter break is all about me coming home to Nadd (dawww), and spend two days in my solitary space. Okay there's the sea of people on Boxing Day but I'll let that pass for now.

Two days, before being invaded by this guy again.

Oh darling your toes so sexy. *creepy stalker wife alert

I so want to write about my adventures for the past two weeks, but that requires time and energy and commitment and undivided attention (considering I have the attention span of a goldfish), so I guess that can wait.

Meanwhile the rest of my winter break shall be filled with revision (hopefully). And of course the annoying sound of mouse clicks from darling hubs playing Dota. 

Is there such thing as a click-less mouse? That's going to be my wedding gift to him when we move in together at some point.

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